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Students Alison and Erin bid you goodbye.


Workshop Leader and Curriculum Writer:

Author  of State of Georgia's Drama Curriculum Guide, Grades K-12, 1989.

This was an enormous project, and it is available upon request.

Designed/conducted over 100 writing and performance workshops for all ages:

Metropolitan Life Foundation Grant, Alliance Theatre, 1999.

Funded by a $10,000 grant, this project was formed from workshop writings in Atlanta Public Schools, Grades K-2, edited by Beverly, and performed by students at the North Atlanta School for Performing Arts, working with director Marian Bolton and Beverly. (See Dreamcatcher, "Theatre for Youth" link on this website.)

Gwinnett County Public Schools Workshop Teacher to Professional Educators.

Taught in-service course “Writing for Success” for Gwinnett Language Arts teachers  and three summers teaching Elementary Teachers in GCPS’s “Arts Connect” Program.

Kroger Foundation, Alliance and Young Audiences, "Kids Write Plays," 1993-94.

Designed and conducted workshops leading to student performances.

Harland Charitable Foundation, Alliance Theatre/Young Audiences, 1992-93.

Published two anthologies after fifty workshops in six Atlanta schools.

Decatur City Schools, 1988.

Two-week residency to have 3rd-5th Clairemont Elementary students write and perform a play.

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