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One-Act Plays

"The Light from Mister Day"

This was Beverly's first professional production.  It was at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London, England in May, 1974.  Richard Owens directed and John Gill, a veteran actor, appeared in the title role (above picture includes the cast, director, and Beverly  in shades on far left).  The talented Chris Kayser directed a second production at Atlanta's Academy Theatre in 1985.

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"An engaging little comedy, 'The Light from Mr. Day" is the premiere of a first play by a 20-year-old schoolteacher from Atlanta, Georgia, Beverly Bateman."

 "Set in a private ward of an American Sanatorium, it is a satire on dying the rich way in the states and agurs well for this young lady's future in the dramatic field,"

-(Surrey Comet, 5/18/74).

"Work of Writer with a Future"

-(Surrey Comet, 5/18/74).


"Right with the World"

This one-act script was produced at the Overground Theare in London, 1975. It revolves around the comic  disintergration of a realationship and was directed by Diana Cumming.

"Phone for Title"

"'Phone' is an improvised play, developed through workshops with Beverly Bateman, and directed by another Academy Threatre professional company member, John Stephens. 'The work is a disturbing jaunt through the unweeded garden of human communication,' says Stephens,"  Helen C. Smith, Atlanta Journal and Constitutuion, (2/12/77).


Janet Metzger (left) and Beverly (right).


"A Quick Revue Before the Examination"

This script was produced at 7 Stages Theatre, Atlanta, 5/02.  It was directed by Brenda Bynum and featured another splendid Atlanta actress, Carolyn Cook (seen left) in the cast of ten.  It is a one act in five scenes   dealing with communication, or specifically the comic lack of it, between male and female over the history of human devolution.

"Hush, Child!  Can't You Hear the Music?"

An adaptation of stories collected by Rose Thompson, published by the University of Georgia Press, and licensed to Atlanta storyteller Betty Ann Wylie, this script was first staged and directed by Carol Mitchell-Leon.  It was then directed by Dr. Yvonne M.  Singh and presented as part of Theatre Emory's "Brave New Works," 3/96).



"Ghostwriters" is a yet-to-be- produced one-act script.  As it features a Zombie Charles Dickens and a Vampire Jane Austen, it might be fun to see, or just hear, one day.  Definitely to see, although it did enjoy a hilarious reading at Working Title Playwrights.

"The Bridesmaid of Barrington Hall"

"Bridesmaid," commissioned by the City of Roswell, Georgia, played originally in October, 2016.  Directed by Michele Glazer, produced by Robert Winebarger, and starring Holly Stevenson, it can be seen again in spring, 2017 and at regular intervals thereafter.   Stevenson plays 23-year-old Margaret Mitchell, 87-year-old Eva Baker, and Teddy Roosevelt in his prime, when he first visited the home of his mother.  


"A Quick Revue After the Examination"

Selected as part of the national "The Future is Female" Festival.  It was presented at Atlanta's Onion Man Theatre on March 17 and 18, 2017. The cast featured Melissa Rainey, Kerwin Thompson, and Peter Hardy.

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